• Literature stage
  • Literature
  • Debate


Wislawa Szymborska Foundation


09.09 / Monday, h20:00


09.09 / Monday, h20:00


1 h

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This will be an evening of collective reflection on poetry at the Polish Dance Theatre in Poznań. Can we still envision the world through Szymborska’s texts? Can we listen for the sounds of life at four in the morning? How do contemporary poets read Szymborska today?

Following the death of Wisława Szymborska, the Wisława Szymborska Foundation was established in April 2012, according to the poet’s will. The foundation is responsible for preserving the literary legacy of the Nobel laureate and organizing cultural and artistic events. By the poet’s wish, since 2012, the foundation has awarded a prize to contemporary authors for the best poetry collection written in Polish and for the best poetry collection translated into Polish.

For this event, three poets and one poet have been invited to participate. Maciej Bobula, Agata Jabłońska, Katarzyna Szweda, and Ilona Witkowska will read selections of their own poems as well as works by Wisława Szymborska. All of these individuals have been nominated for the Wisława Szymborska Award: Ilona Witkowska in 2018 for the collection “Lucyfer zwycięża,” Maciej Bobula in 2022 for “Pustko,” Agata Jabłońska for “Księżyc Grzybiarek,” and Katarzyna Szweda for “zemla vulgaris” (both in 2024). However, this event is not about finding similarities and common denominators in the poetry of these individuals and proving that they continue Szymborska’s poetic style and view the world in the same categories as she did.

The participants in the event will be:

Agata Jabłońska (born 1985) – Poetess, professionally affiliated with the National Museum in Kraków. She was involved in creating a special deck of the game “Dixit” – “Dixit MNK” and was a member of the editorial team of the irregular publication “Stoner Polski.” Author of “Raport wojenny” (Biuro Literackie, 2017), “Dla moich dziewczyn” (Biuro Literackie 2021), and “Księżyc Grzybiarek” (papierwdole-Katalog Press, 2023).

Ilona Witkowska (born 1987) – Poetess; author of “splendida realta” (WBPiCAK, 2012), “Lucyfer zwycięża” (Ha!art, 2017), and “gdzie są moje dzieci?” (papierwdole-Katalog Press, 2021). Co-author of the screenplay for the short film “Jeśli będziesz długo siedzieć w ciszy, przyjdą do ciebie inne zwierzęta,” directed by Jagoda Szelc, and one of the authors of the project “Nieswojość” (Warstwy, 2019). She lives in Sokołowsko.

Katarzyna Szweda (born 1990) – Poetess, photographer, translator. She grew up in Beskid Niski on Wrzosowa Polana. Author of two poetry collections: “Bosorka” (Biuro Literackie, 2020) and “zemla vulgaris” (Biuro Literackie, 2023).

Maciej Bobula (born 1988) – Living with one foot in Poland and the other in Denmark, an author of poetry books: “wsie, animalia, miscellanea” (Fundacja Duży Format, 2018), “Pustko” (Warstwy 2022), and prose: “Szalejów” (wydawnictwo j, 2020) and “Franciszka, Maryśka i ja” (wydawnictwo j, 2020).

The panel will be moderated by:

Patryk Szaj – Literary scholar, editor, and occasional translator. Author of the monograph “Wierność trudności” (Universitas, 2019) and the essay book “Pamiętnik z końca świata (jaki znamy)” (Wolno, 2022). Editor of the scientific series Humanistyka Środowiskowa (Wydawnictwo WBPiCAK w Poznaniu/słowo/obraz terytoria).

The event is curated by the Wisława Szymborska Foundation.

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